SPRA 2024 | Istanbul, Turkey

SPRA 2024: The 5th Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPRA 2024) was successfully held in Istanbul, Turkey during November 11-13, 2024. Thanks for the support from all participants and committee members. Hope to meet you all next year in person. SPRA 2024 aims to build an ideal academic platform for the purpose of encouraging researcher participating in this event. SPRA 2024 accepted papers was published in SPIE conference proceedings with ISBN Vol. 13540.
Online: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/13540.toc
Index:coming soon......

Prof. Vassilis C. Gerogiannis from University of Thessaly host the morning session. and Prof. Giuliani Donatella from University of Bologna gave us an opening remarks.

This year, three speakers gave us excellent keynote speeches. Thety are:

Prof. Habib Zaidi, Geneva University Hospital. FIEEE, FAIMBE, FAAPM, FIOMP, Prof. Yannis Manolopoulos from Open University of Cyprus and Prof. David Benavides from University of Seville.

Winners of Best Oral Presentation of Sessions

Imposing Cache: Busy-Aware Cooperative Data Caching in Edge-Cloud Environments
Mr. Gyujeong Lim, Jihun Kang, Heonchang Yu
Korea University, South Korea

Difficulties in Object-Oriented Design and its relationship with Abstraction: A Systematic Review of Literature
Pamela Catherine Flores, Ismael Sebastian Rivas, Jenny Gabriela Torres
Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador